Print single items
Improvements to Connect Quicken
Bug fixes
New Features
Print single item
We've heard from many of you that you want printable versions of your LifeHub information to store in binders or as a PDF. We have made a couple improvements in this release.
First, we have added Print to the item menu, see it here next to the ‘Last updated’ information.
Also, we've cleaned up what prints so that you don't see extraneous navigational elements.
Lastly, we are interested in continuing to improve what you can print out of LifeHub. Please be in touch if you have requests for what you'd like to print.
Improvements to existing features
Improvements to Connect Quicken
We've made a number of small improvements to Connect Quicken feature, working to save you time to set up your LifeHub.
First, we've sorted all the list alphabetically (first by Institution, then by account) so it should be easier to find accounts.
Next, we've added a way to select or unselect all items on a page.
Lastly, once you've connected your accounts, assets, and recurring transactions, you can choose to keep all but disconnect them (stop getting balance updates from Quicken) all at once. Some customers have told us they like to quickly make all the items, but don’t need to continue updating them based on Quicken data.
Bug fixes
We're always working to make LifeHub easier to use, faster, and to reduce the issues you encounter. We fixed a few things this release, including how we redirect you when you use a bookmark, and how we show when we're loading new data.